EcoPaccha Collaboratives

Craft & Purpose
My craft is providing support to sustainable, community-driven systems that integrate entrepreneurship, health, agriculture, and education. Through collaboration and leadership, I work to empower communities to thrive by connecting them with the knowledge, resources, and networks necessary to build resilient, sustainable futures.

My ongoing purpose is to gain knowledge, experience, and networks that will enhance my ability to contribute to the well-being of the communities where I work and live.

Agricultural Entreprenuership
I have been working in agricultural communities in the Americas since 2005. I consult organizations and indivuals looking to make strategic changes in their businesses.

International Exchange
Since 2008, I have been leading international exchange programs in Latin America, primarily in Ecuador. These programs immerse participants in experiences that benefit sustainable community development.

Community Health & Development
My passion lies in supporting healthy communities. My pursuits focus on the tenets of social entrepreneurship. Everything I undertake concentrates on the impacts of people, planet, and profit.
Over the past two decades, I have collaborated on sustainable development projects throughout Latin America and the United States. My passion for community-driven solutions is rooted in the relationships created in the amazing communities that have embraced me during my journey. Through EcoPaccha Collaboratives, I focus on building systems that foster collaboration, resilience, and sustainable growth for future generations while respecting the knowledge and culture of past generations.

The Paccha Uchuari Family – Loja, Ecuador
I first started collaborating with the Paccha Uchuari family in 2005 as a Peace Corps volunteer. They are a constant inspiration to me. The amazing work they undertake as leaders in their communities is directly complemented by their kindness. With their permission, I have integrated their family name into my business name.